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September/October Outreach Update

Updated: May 4, 2018

On September 27th a team from the Rock Church in Asheville NC joined El taller del Maestro team members for outreaches in Nicaragua. The teams completed projects along the Rio Coco, and the communities of San Juan Rio Coco & Buenos Aires.

Follow the link to read about the OUTREACH

October Youth Outreach: El Jicaro

The youth ministry in El Jicaro continues to grow as God blesses the outreaches throughout the community. The program meets weekly for bible study and worship and periodically has events in El Jicaro and surrounding communities. The Ministry has supported the work of Sonia Rodas who has been developing relationships with youth form the El Jicaro area. Unfortunately, many of the area churches have alienated the youth because of the way they dress and the music they listen to. This has resulted in many of the youth turning away from church to a life of drugs and unhealthy behavior. The youth outreach offers a safe and inclusive environment for young adults, full of Grace and engaging ministry. Many youth are receptive, some have committed their lives to Christ since the ministry began!

The youth event this month (October) was a great success. Over 200 people arrived in El Jicaro for a concert and ministry activities. The church Cristo Viene, from San Juan del Rio Coco, joined El Taller del Maestro team assisting with planning and executing the evenings events. Three youth gave their lives to Christ and many non-believers enjoyed the service. The evening was full of energy and excitement as the crowd listed to a Contemporary Christian Artist.


Unfortunately, though God has been blessing the youth outreaches, the ministry has encountered great opposition from some of the area churches. They resent the involvement of the youth, blaming the ministry for "stealing" the young adults from the churches. In reality these same youth were already absent and uninvolved due to the condemning attitudes of the congregations.


A central philosophy of El Taller del Maestro ministry is to empower area churches and support their efforts in the communities.

Though their is great opposition, God has opened connections with a few life affirming churches who are partnering with the ministry. The fields in El Jicaro are ripe for harvest, pray that the Lord of the harvest will send more workers so that revival can sweep the region!

Health Crisis Update

In August, the Ministry assisted with medical transportation and expenses for a young man (Victor) living in El Jicaro. After numerous tests, he was diagnosed with an advanced case of Crones disease. Victor was very near death when the team intervened. Crohn's disease requires a specific medicine that is not available in Nicaragua, requiring the family to make regular trips to Honduras to fill prescriptions.

Victor was near death when the ministry intervened, the doctor described him as nothing but a "corpse with a spirit" Though he showed some initial signs of improvement, Victor was recently (10/12/17) rushed to the hospital. He was in critical condition and prognosis from the doctor was not promising. Victor was unable to eat do to severe mouth blisters. He lost movement of his body and was unable to speak.

Though he has had some setbacks, Victor has put on weight and continues to be positive and full of faith. The ministry was able to acquire a juice extractor, permitting his family to feed him nutrient rich fluids through a straw. Throughout this last month team members have ministered to both the young man and his family, praying and providing assistance with expenses.

Though the doctors have given up hope.....


The team asks that you join us in prayer for Victor believing in healing. Victor has a calling on his life that we want to see lived out!

Update: 10/25/17

Victor has been released from the hospital and is able to take small steps and has regained the ability to communicate. He is now eating solid foods. The doctors believed there was no hope, that his body was beyond repair, but GOD was not done yet! Where the limits of mankind come to an end.......God moves in unprecedented ways!

With Jesus, the lame walk, the blind see and the dead are raised to life......Victor is a testimony of the Glory and Grace of a Loving God!

Continue in prayer with us as we claim complete healing and restoration for him!

Update: 1/2018

We received heartbreaking news that Victor passed away recently. Please keep his family (including a young daughter) in your prayers. While it is difficult to understand the will of God, we are thankful that Victor believed in God and are blessed to have had the opportunity to minister to him. Though those left behind mourn, in Heaven Victor is healed and complete, enjoying an eternity with his Heavenly Father.

Disabilities Update: FURWUS Update

In August, El Taller del Maestro team partnered with Managua based FURWUS to provide assistance to disabled and handicapped persons throughout Nicaragua.

An initial relationship with the organization emerged when the ministry provided a new prosthetic leg for Eufemia (a young girl who lives along the Rio Coco). Since that visit, the ministry has partnered with FURWUS providing funding for similar cases.

In early September, the team was alerted about an "emergency case". Aura is a double amputee and had lost funding for her rehabilitation and prosthetic legs. The Ministry stepped in and provided funding for the necessary services. Since that time she has completed over a month of rehabilitation and is progressing well.

Follow the link to read about Aura's Rehabilitation: Aura's Rehabilitation

Rehab Center Construction Update The Men's Center Nears Completion! Follow the link below to read about the Rehab Center Construction Updates: Rehab Center Update

Clinic Outreaches San Juan Rio Coco & Buenos Aires

Medical outreaches were conducted at both San Juan Rio Coco and Buenos Aries in October. A team of 3 doctors and pharmacists assisted El Taller del Maestro and Rock Church team providing one on one clinical evaluations and medicine. Though medicine is accessible without prescription throughout Nicaragua (including types of drugs that are highly regulated in the United States), barriers exist that prevent many people from necessary medicine and treatment.

The most common barrier is lack of finances. Individuals and families often have to decide between necessary treatment or daily needs such as food and household supplies. Families often go without necessary medicines resulting in continued and progressive health issues. Other barriers that impact health are misinformation and lack of understanding when it comes to the scope of an illness. Many people in Nicaragua have a limited understanding of health and well-being, fueled by faulty cultural and regional beliefs. With access to open pharmacies, many individuals "overprescribe" and sometimes wrongly prescribe medicines to themselves and their children. The result is wasted  resources and poor health outcomes, sometimes leading to an exacerbated illness.

The clinic in Buenos Aries provided access to a previously unvisited community. The community is located an hour away form El Jicaro along a rugged and remote road winding through the mountains. In actuality the "road" ended, continuing along a single lane cow path. The ridges fell steeply away from both sides of the 4 wheel drive truck. Until reaching what was the "literal end" of the road at the community, there was no possible way to turn around if the team vehicle encountered problems. After the clinic, rain from a tropical  storm resulted in a dangerous exit, as the truck became stuck on the narrow path. Darkness, rugged mountain roads and rain created challenges, but God is always faithful and provides the resources and assistance when needed. After pushing, pulling and lots of prayers the team made its way back to El Jicaro for a much needed rest!  

Though the team encountered some logistical challenges reaching the community, the Clinic was a great success! The local pastor identified 30 families that would benefit from access to the clinic. About 85 people were seen by the team physician and given necessary medicine, food baskets, household supplies and the opportunity to hear the message of the Gospel. God is faithful and has opened a door in Buenos Aires for the ministry to  assist the church with necessary repairs on its building and opportunities for future partnerships with the church.

Prayer Teams Focus

  • Pray that God will continue to open the windows of heaven wide over the ministry providing abundant resources for the development of the Rehab Centers and expansion of projects throughout Nicaragua.

  • Pray that the Rehab Center Construction Project will continue on schedule and be completed in 2018!

  • Pray for a complete healing for Victor and that this time of health crises will be used to Glorify God and minister to many people.

  • That the ministry will continue to develop outreaches to the disabled and medically sensitive individuals. Pray for continued resources and wisdom on how to best minister to these special populations (including their families).

  • Prayer for wisdom concerning the development of the Rehab Center Curriculum and Treatment Protocols.

  • Pray that the Youth Ministry will continue to flourish in El Jicaro and that God will open opportunities and hearts so that the next generation will be impacted for Christ.

  • Pray that the story and message of the ministry will spread allowing partnerships, resources and greater opportunities to flow.


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