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Community Outreaches

Updated: May 10, 2018

Reaching people through the love and generosity of Christ is the heart of the ministry. Acting as the very hands and feet of Christ, team members provide food and clothing,

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"We Felt Like We Mattered, You Noticed Us!" (Community Members- El Carmen)

household supplies, medicine, nutritional supplements, school supplies, and materials for community development. As needs in communities are discovered, the ministry reaches out through these acts to share the Good News of the Gospel and tell of God's great love for his people.


Each outreach provides opportunities to preach the Gospel and identify further ways to bless the communities. The ministry uses opportunities such as medical clinics, food distribution, clinic/hospital visits, prison outreach and door to door prayer ministry to share the hope found in Christ. Many lives have been impacted through these outreaches producing changed hearts that have given their lives to Jesus!


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