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August Outreach Update

August Outreach Update

When God says GO......sometimes the going gets tough! The August community outreach was a success even though it was met with logistical challenges. Taking the Gospel to those in's not always easy!

The team 4X4.... Stuck and digging out.......

August Youth Outreach Event:San Juan del Rio Coco

El Taller Del Maestro team members gathered 15 youth from El Jicaro and took them to San Juan del Rio Coco (A 2 hour drive through rugged mountain roads) for an evening church service with the local Assembly of God congregation. The ministry has been involved with the development of a youth outreach in El Jicaro for some time. Unfortunately many youth feel ostracized from the local churches in the area. The area churches struggle to connect with the youth often condemning them for the music they listen to (including contemporary Christian music!) and the clothes they wear (many churches are against women wearing pants). This environment of condemnation has driven most youth away from the church, many turning to drugs and alcohol. Members of the El Taller Del Maestro team have welcomed the youth offering regular bible studies, contemporary worship experiences, involvement with churches who value the youth, and opportunities to serve and reach out to those in need.

While at the service a visiting pastor prayed over the youth and the Ministry team speaking prophetic words over them. The Holy Spirit was present and active ministering to the youth and the ministry team leadership.

The youth ministry is growing as God blesses the freedom and Grace that is being extended to the youth. As young men and women are drawn to the ministry they will have access to rehab services, job training and scripturally based mentoring allowing lives to be transformed into new creations. The team believes that the next generation of Christian leaders will be raised up from these very youth allowing their lives to be testimonies of God's unending Grace and Redemption!

Health Crisis: The El Taller del Maestro Team Moves into Action

(Note: Names and Specific Details have been excluded from this update for privacy of the family)While conducting outreaches in August the team was alerted about a local man who had become suddenly ill over the last 2 months. He had lost 30+ pounds in the last few months resulting in a body that was emaciated and weakened. he was unable to keep anything in his stomach as he tried to eat and drink.

The team quickly made arrangements to transport him and his family 2 hours to receive medical assistance. The family had limited resources and could not afford the care that was needed.  Doctors conducted multiple tests (endoscopy, colonoscopy, ultrasounds, IV fluids and a biopsy). Results indicated an advanced case of Crones Disease.

Because the illness had not been diagnosed or treated severe inflammation was found throughout his esophagus and intestines. Medicine was prescribed to reduce the inflammation and treat the secondary impacts of the disorder. Due to the chronic nature of the disease the young man will have to take a specialized medicine for the rest of his life to control the effects of Crones disease and keep it managed. Unfortunately the medicine is not sold in Nicaragua, so the team is making connections in Honduras to purchase medicine and keep a regular supply available for the family.

Critical medical cases such as this periodically emerge as more and more people find out about the ministry and their willingness to care for those without hope and resources. Continue in prayer for this family as health continues to gradually return to the young man and his condition stabilizes.  

Disability Outreach Update: FURWUS NICARAGUA

The team received the formal recommendations from FURWUS NICARAGUA detailing plans of care for the individuals that were profiled in the July outreach.

Total cost estimates for this project are $15,000. God has been faithful throughout the years to provide and the team believes HE WILL DO IT AGAIN!

The team was alerted last week about an "emergency case". Aura had a double amputation as a result of complications resulting from advanced diabetes. She has a baking business and has continued to run her business despite the physical challenges she faces. Aura had previously been profiled by FURWUS Nicaragua and linked with an agency to provide funding. Aura and her family traveled to Managua to start fitting of prosthetic legs and rehab to permit her to walk. Unfortunately, the funding failed to come through and Aura and her family were facing treatment they could never afford without outside assistance. At the last minute when it looked like her hopes were to be crushed the director of FURWUS Nicaragua reached out to the El Taller del Maestro team for assistance. $2500 was provided by the Ministry for prosthetics, rehab and lodging. With the generosity that only God can provide, Aura will have new levels of mobility and a future she had once only dreamed of!

Rehab Center Update

Finishing details continue on the Men's Rehab Center. Ceiling tiles have been ordered, front stairs have been poured, metal railing and circular stairs are being handcrafted and fitted.

Women's Rehab Center Construction has begun! Site work has been started preparing the area for the foundation. Materials have been delivered and work is moving forward! The facility will be 3 stories high providing boarding, bathrooms, showers and community space for 50 women.

Prayer Teams Focus

  • Prayer for Abundant Financial Recourses and Monthly Financial Partners for the Ministry

  • Pray that the Rehab Center Construction Project will continue on schedule and be completed by early 2018!

  • Pray for health and healing for those with critical health needs and disabilities.

  • Continue to pray for a full time Rehab Center Team to be called and appointed by God.

  • Pray for continued development of Micro Business and job training for Rehab Center residents and community members.

  • Continued development of Youth ministry in El Jicaro

  • Pray for Salvations, Chains of addiction to be broken, and Expansion of the ministry.

  • Pray that the story and message of the ministry will spread allowing partnerships, resources and greater opportunities to flow.


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